Nonprofit Consulting


Growing the Movement from behind the scenes.

Areas of Service

Major Gifts

Our team has facilitated more than 500 donor visits. We help our clients find the match between their program goals and donor’s interests. From identifying prospective supporters to soliciting and renewing we’ll move through the cycle with you.


Organizations both large and small could use a hand in writing donor communications. Perhaps a fresh take on a meeting request letter. Or a proposal for a brand new program. Our veteran writers combine their knowledge of the movement with clarity and professionalism to ensure you’ve making the maximum impact.

Donor Advising

After helping dozens of political and philanthropic organizations over a combined 30 years, we have a unique perspective to help donors navigate the nonprofit space. If you are a philanthropist looking to maximize your support, we can help.

Capacity & Planning

Building a sustainable funding plan is necessary but not easy. Movement Funding can do the heavy lifting for organizations just getting started with seed funding or seasoned groups seeking to leverage existing success.


Are your materials compelling? Do they convey both urgency and importance? And, do your supporters feel updated and knowledgeable about your work? If no, to any of the above, let’s discuss. We have expertise in all modes of donor communications from direct mail to major donor presentations.

Staffing & Operations

Job descriptions, team goals, databases, contribution procedures… these can be overwhelming, particularly when resources or manpower are limited. Movement Funding can create staffing plans and recruit talent.


Identifying reliable annual foundation funding sources can be key in building long-term institutional health. The possibilities can feel never-ending, Movement Funding will prioritize your very best opportunities.

Training & Coaching

Perhaps our favorite part of the company. Movement Funding offers on-the-job coaching through executive training sessions, periodic mentorship calls and even attending donor meetings with you. We place an emphasis on building an enthusiastic and energetic culture of philanthropy.

Institutional Strategy

Knowing the space and your unique place in the movement is critical. Taking a deep dive into your mission, the programs that advance it, and donor perceptions is one of the more rewarding and often times impactful parts of our job.